Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy (Movie)
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/24: To see How to Attract Money Using Mind Power and my other books on Amazon, just CLICK HERE​ 

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​​This is the online "press kit"/"media kit" for James Goi Jr., aka The Attract Money Guru™. Please feel free to contact James by email ( james @ ). James’s phone number is available to the media upon request.

Let’s face it: Today, people are concerned with the question of how to survive and, if possible, thrive in these uncertain economic times. James believes all such people should read his book, How to Attract Money Using Mind Power (HTAMUMP).

CURRENT HAPPENINGS: You can now see James's testimonial in the groundbreaking film, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy.

 The Attract Money Guru™:
James Goi Jr., aka The Attract Money Guru™, is the bestselling author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. His book is a serious work in which he quotes 160 other books. Foreign editions have been published by publishers in India (English), Lebanon (Arabic), Italy (Italian) and Mexico (Spanish), and those foreign editions are available in many other countries around the world. 
     James has spent his adult life learning of the true nature of reality and how human beings can live in such a way as to govern the unseen forces of the universe to bring about desired conditions and circumstances in seemingly miraculous ways. But the resulting outcomes are not miracles at all--they are the natural outgrowth of the orderly unfolding and demonstrating of the laws of energy and consciousness purposely directed to bring about specific, predetermined ends.
     Though he will likely always be best known as the attracting-money-with-mind-power guy, James has written and will be writing on a wide range of subjects. Over the years, he’s lectured on metaphysics and spirituality with an emphasis on manifesting abundance. Back to money, though, James believes that in today’s economy, the information he shares is more needed than ever, and that his teachings could mean the difference between financial success and financial ruin for people and organizations.

How to Attract Money Using Mind Power may be the most concise and usable book of its kind. It sums up key points taught in countless mind power, metaphysics, and success books. It shows how to apply this knowledge to attract money. In twenty brief chapters, the science of attracting money is presented in such a simple and straightforward way, that any person of average intelligence will be able to grasp and use these profound teachings. Now, using the techniques given in this astounding little book, anyone can attract much more money by harnessing the power of their own mind.

If you’d like to discuss having James on your radio show, podcast, television show, or any other type of show, please let us know. James is a popular and always lively, interesting, and informative guest. In each interview, he shares valuable and useful information and techniques that people can put to use immediately. People are fascinated with James’s subject matter, and James has been interviewed on a wide variety of types of shows.
     For a complete list of the shows James has appeared on (many items having links to archived recordings of the past shows), CLICK HERE.

To access online articles James has written, CLICK HERE.

SOCIAL MEDIA: James is (more or less) active (to differing degrees) on various social-media websites. Following is a list of some of his pages on the more popular sites along with links to those locations:
1. Twitter
2. Facebook Author Page
3. Facebook Personal Page
4. Facebook HTAMUMP Book Page
5. Youtube
6. LinkedIn
7. Pinterest
8. Google+

1. Selling Books

1. Amazon
2. AudaciousAbundance
3. BooksDelight

1. Back in the day, a friend of James’s (without his knowledge and with the opposite of his consent) sent Oprah several copies of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. Shortly thereafter, James’s Myspace page appeared in Oprah’s top-twenty Myspace friends list where it remained for more than seven months until the list was reduced to just eight friends and only the original top eight were kept.
2. Many years ago, James used one simple metaphysical technique—affirmation—to get out of $10,000 in credit-card debt in a four-to-six-week period, receiving a gift of that amount of money from someone he had only met once or twice before.
3. Also many years ago, James used a group of metaphysical techniques to go from his household being about $50,000 in credit-card debt to his household receiving two six-figure windfalls within a three-month period and becoming debt free.
4. James can speak intelligently on many other metaphysical/spiritual subjects (subject matter for future books). Among those other subjects are these:
A. Astral-Travel/Out-Of-Body Experiences: James is a natural-born astral traveler and has been having spontaneous out-of-body experiences since he was a small child and has been doing intentional astral travelling (on and off, of course) for decades.
B. Lucid Dreaming: James is an experienced lucid dreamer, having engaged in the practice, on and off, since about 1990.
C. Non-Physical Beings: James has a vast history with the “other side”, having a lifetime of experiences with non-physical beings of all sorts including dead people, angels, and demons. Years back, he even participated in, and played a crucial role in, an exorcism in Sedona, AZ..
D. Divine Intervention: James has had way more than his fair share (it would seem) of experience with Divine Intervention, and in fact he would not be here today were it not for some of that intervention.
5. James is currently a virtual recluse--yes, by choice.
6. James has not watched TV since mid-2013, and no longer even owns a television.
7. James is an experienced water faster. As an example of how that can play out, except for one meal of popcorn ("the popcorn incident") early in 2017, James went from 1/1/17 to 1/10/18 eating only every other day, and drinking only distilled water on the "water days." Some time prior, he did an eight-month stretch eating only every other day, and for the last month of that stretch he ate only one meal every other day and, as if that wasn't enough, during that thirty days he did two forty-eight-hour water fasts with just one meal of oranges between them. James has been water fasting (on and off, of course!) since he was in his 20s, Thus far, the longest he has gone on just water (and he's done it multiple times) has been six days. He's lived on just one meal a day for stretches of time... You get the idea... James is an avid seeker of higher human health, and that has manifested, in part, in long stretches (years at a time) of him being a strict vegetarian and a strict vegan. He's also experimented with being a fruitarian. Diet-wise and eating-schedule-wise, he's up to something interesting now--of course--but is not yet ready to make the specifics public until he's able to sustain it for a while. Oh, and please note, James
 is not a medical or dietary professional, and by sharing his experiences here he is in no way giving health advice. He just does what he does, and sometimes he shares some of it. That's it. What's next? Stay tuned...


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